The educational website for the Kansas Historical Society that includes K-12 classroom materials, lesson plans, and information on online learning opportunities. URL for Resource : Document Creating / Publishing Body : Kansas Historical Society ...
Chapters titles include Agency Records Officers, State Records Board, Records Management and the Law, Records Surveys, Records Retention and Disposition Schedules, General Retention and Disposition Schedule, Agency Retention and Disposition Schedule, and State Records Center Procedures. (Kansas...
Chapters titles include Records Inventory, Records Retention Schedules, Vital Records, Disaster Planning/Recovery, Micrographics, Digital Imaging Guidelines, and Records Management and the Law . (Kansas Historical Society) URL for Resource : Document Creating /...
Best practices for assessing risk of accountability on agency web resources; developing policy; identifying records on agency sites; capturing records into a system; developing a training program; and conducing periodic reviews. Appendixes include terminology; legal framework; web based...
Provides an introduction to electronic records, reasons for managing electronic records, as well as the creating, capturing, identifying and managing of electronic records. Also talks about record keeping systems, current policy in Kansas, developing a record-keeping system, appraisal and...
Position description for a Policy and Program Analyst for the Kansas State Historical Society. Creating Body / Developer / Publisher : Kansas State Historical Society Date of Latest Revision : April 2013 Current Version (Color, Name, Number) : Position No. K0048377 Topics : Job...