This Q&A forum provides a location in which questions about digital preservation questions can be posted and responded to by the community. Many of these questions ask how to do something or suggestions on tools to use to complete a task. A login is required to post questions or responses,...
The California Preservation Program website provides resources on disaster recovery services, consulting services, emergency preparedness and response, preservation education, preservation management, and collections maintenance. Three projects in California are also described. URL for...
Guidelines that provide recommendations for describing born-digital content in an archival finding aid. The recommendations use 12 standard elements such as Scope and Content, Processing Information, and Organization and Arrangement. Recommendations include: guidance on determining an...
Archive-It's model and best practices framework for those looking to create or improve their web archiving program. Provides information on policy level requirements as well as the day to day activities that are necessary for web archiving. Examples are provided throughout. URL for Resource :...
This study examines the attributes that have been used to assess file formats in literature and compiles the most frequently used attributes of file formats to establish open-standard file-format selection criteria. A comprehensive review was undertaken to identify the current knowledge...
This document outlines the workflows for ingesting government records into the Digital Repository at the State Archives of North Carolina, including completion of the RC-2D Electronic Records Transfer Form. Use cases include ingest via external media, FTP, and transfer of local records to...
The Records and Archives Division of the Office of the Secretary of State (hereafter MSA) received two National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) grants for the purpose of establishing an electronic records program at the Missouri State Archives. The first grant covered...